[Qgis-developer] Listener for Atlas Change Page

Shawn Tse shawntse at gmail.com
Sun Dec 25 00:02:41 PST 2016

Hello there,

So I've managed to solve the problem by removing the QObject reference
in the constructor. I'm working on trying to get a message to play
when a composer is added. (My goal is to get it to add a listener for
when the atlas is turned on, and then maybe to draw a line or
something when the feature is changed.)

However, the message does not play when a composer is added. I'm not
sure what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks so much for all the help.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
                                 A QGIS plugin
 Uses the polygon/polyline atlas features to plot a profile.
        begin                : 2016-12-17
        git sha              : $Format:%H$

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
from PyQt4.QtCore import QSettings, QTranslator, qVersion, QCoreApplication
from PyQt4.QtGui import QAction, QIcon
# Initialize Qt resources from file resources.py
import resources
# Import the code for the dialog
from atlas_profile_dialog import AtlasProfileDialog
import os.path
from qgis.gui import QgsMessageBar

class AtlasProfile:
    """QGIS Plugin Implementation."""

    def __init__(self, iface):

        :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class
            which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS
            application at run time.
        :type iface: QgsInterface
        # Save reference to the QGIS interface
        self.iface = iface
        # initialize plugin directory
        self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        # initialize locale
        locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2]
        locale_path = os.path.join(

        if os.path.exists(locale_path):
            self.translator = QTranslator()

            if qVersion() > '4.3.3':

        # Declare instance attributes
        self.actions = []
        self.menu = self.tr(u'&Atlas-based Profile Plotter')
        # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration
        self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'AtlasProfile')

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
    def tr(self, message):
        """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API.

        We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject.

        :param message: String for translation.
        :type message: str, QString

        :returns: Translated version of message.
        :rtype: QString
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass
        return QCoreApplication.translate('AtlasProfile', message)

    def add_action(
        """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar.

        :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource
            path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path.
        :type icon_path: str

        :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action.
        :type text: str

        :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered.
        :type callback: function

        :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled
            by default. Defaults to True.
        :type enabled_flag: bool

        :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also
            be added to the menu. Defaults to True.
        :type add_to_menu: bool

        :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also
            be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True.
        :type add_to_toolbar: bool

        :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer
            hovers over the action.
        :type status_tip: str

        :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None.
        :type parent: QWidget

        :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the
            mouse pointer hovers over the action.

        :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also
            added to self.actions list.
        :rtype: QAction

        # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference
        self.dlg = AtlasProfileDialog()

        icon = QIcon(icon_path)
        action = QAction(icon, text, parent)

        if status_tip is not None:

        if whats_this is not None:

        if add_to_toolbar:

        if add_to_menu:


        return action

    def initGui(self):
        """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI."""

        icon_path = ':/plugins/AtlasProfile/icon.png'

        # QgsMessageLog.logMessage("message here", "name there")
AtlasProfile","AtlasProfile plugin successfully reached this point")

        # this currently doesn't work. what we need it to do is to run
a listener for when we start a composition
        # that will then set a listener in that composition.
        # l.setComposition(iface.activeComposers()[0].composition())

    def unload(self):
        """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI."""
        for action in self.actions:
                self.tr(u'&Atlas-based Profile Plotter'),
        # remove the toolbar
        del self.toolbar

    def run(self):
        """Run method that performs all the real work"""
        # show the dialog
        # Run the dialog event loop
        result = self.dlg.exec_()
        # See if OK was pressed
        if result:
            # Do something useful here - delete the line containing pass and
            # substitute with your code.

class AtlasListener():
    # http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/31410/how-to-implement-signals-on-add-or-modify-feature
    # @pyqtSlot(composerView)
    def setupAtlasListener(self, composerView):
        print 'a composer was added.'
        iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Error","We added a composer",

    # @pyqtSlot(feature)
    def featureChanged(self, feature):
        iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Error","The Atlas was
changed", level=QgsMessageBar.CRITICAL)

    def setCompositionListener(self, iface):
        print 'we set up an atlas listener.'

    def setComposition(self, composition):

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 10:46 PM, Shawn Tse <shawntse at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, thanks so much for the help. Right now the AtlasListener is throwing up a
> NameError: name 'QObject' is not defined
> I looked up the API and when instantiating the AtlasListener, I can
> pass a QObject into the constructor. What QObject should I put in
> there?
> Thanks
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 7:35 PM, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 14 December 2016 at 13:42, Shawn Tse <shawntse at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks, that looks like exactly the kind of function that I'm looking
>>> for. I'm using QGIS 2.18.0, I'm wondering, is there any way to use
>>> this function without having to select a menu item in the the plugin?
>>> I'm not sure how to get started, because most of the existing plugins
>>> seem to be activated by a menu item or a toolbar button in the main
>>> editor instead of via the atlas interface.
>>> Thank you and I really appreciate the help!
>> Hi Shawn,
>> Have a read up on how signals and slots work in PyQt. Basically you
>> can listen out for the signal and get it to trigger a function in your
>> python class. Untested psuedocode below:
>> class AtlasListener(QObject):
>>    def featureChanged(self, feature):
>>       print('new feature: {}'.format(feature.id())
>>   def setComposition(self, composition):
>>       composition.atlasComposition().featureChanged.connect(self.featureChanged)
>> l=AtlasListener()
>> l.setComposition(iface.activeComposers()[0].composition())
>> Nyall
>>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 11:02 PM, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 13 Dec 2016 4:44 PM, "Shawn Tse" <shawntse at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm interested in being able to make graphs that update depending on
>>>> what the active feature in the atlas is. I know some python and a
>>>> little bit of the QGIS API, but I'm curious - is there some sort of
>>>> listener function for the atlas that gets called whenever the Preview
>>>> Atlas/Prev Feature/Next Feature/First Feature/Last Feature buttons are
>>>> pressed?
>>>> Try QgsAtlasComposition::featureChanged. See
>>>> https://qgis.org/api/classQgsAtlasComposition.html#ab1a15fdb6d20ebb1254ebb6714254fac
>>>> Nyall
>>>> What I eventually want to do is to manipulate the node items that were
>>>> created in a recent updated version of QGIS, and use them to make a
>>>> line graph, gridlines, etc.
>>>> I'm hoping to draw the data directly from the shapefiles themselves or
>>>> from a .csv file.
>>>> I originally tried to use an expression in a text box to do this, but
>>>> it seems that expressions are unable to use custom functions to
>>>> manipulate the composer. So I'm hoping that there's some sort of
>>>> Listener method.
>>>> Thanks.
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