[Qgis-developer] [Server] performance questions

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Feb 23 12:52:46 PST 2016

Hi Alessandro,

On 23.02.2016 17:22, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Yes, but Andreas probably meant that plugin support is still compiled 
> into the server.

yes - if you compile yourself, you can disable it in the CMAKE settings.

> Still, we never measured any noticeable performance issue with plugins 
> enabled (as long as thre aren't any of course, otherwise it will 
> obviously depend on what the plugins do).

yes - only master versions between 2.12 and 2.14 were affected. It has 
been fixed meanwhile.

> There was indeed a performance issue with the new access control 
> implementation (now hopefullt fixed) but IIRC it's still only in 
> master, to be release soon.
> Also, we aren't aware of any security issue, if you (Andreas) know 
> about any security issue I would definitely like to know more about that.
I am not aware of any security issues around QGIS server Python plugins. 
It is just good to disable stuff if you don't need it and opt-in if you 
need it.


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