[Qgis-developer] Last polish for the 2.14 changelog

Tim Sutton tim at kartoza.com
Sat Feb 27 21:50:48 PST 2016

Hi All

Over the last weeks we have been working hard on getting the visual changelog ready for 2.14. A huge thanks to those that have been contributing to it, most appreciated! Soon it will be published live on http://qgis.org and I want to ask if you could all help with some peer review. There are still a few entries without detailed descriptions, credits to authors and funders, images etc. I will be making a last few tweaks to the reporting layout (e.g. to sort sponsors by sponsorship level). Could I ask you all to take a look here:


and give me any feedback, improvements etc. Or feel free to edit directly if you have the needed access. Please don’t tweet or otherwise publicise the above link until the official release announcements are out (from Jürgen).



Tim Sutton

Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:

* Desktop GIS programming services
* Geospatial web development
* GIS Training
* Consulting Services

Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee

Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial

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