[Qgis-developer] QEP: Dropping fTools/GdalTools in favor of Processing

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 06:34:57 PST 2016

> The checkboxes in GDALtools is why I use it all the time. I can never
> remember the correct syntax and options for a lot of things. It's not
> always obvious which GDAL options go with which tools, without having to
> scroll through the docs repeatedly. Also the quick options for
> compression are a huge timesaver. To me this are must haves if the
> Processing tool replaces them. Bonus feature, I often use the gui to
> craft GDAL commands that save and use in bash scripts. So I find
> gdaltools to be a teaching tool for how to use gdal command line.
> I fine with full replacements, but that means full replacement of gui
> and features not just features.

This should be covered already. You can see the command and copy&paste
it into you scripts (that was added not so long ago)

What Paolo is asking is that you can edit the box where that console
call is shown, and alter the call to GDAL. I guess that's not such an
important feature, since most of the people uses that for copying it,
like you do, not to tweak it.

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