[Qgis-developer] QGIS Layer Search Plugin

Jeremy Palmer JPalmer at linz.govt.nz
Wed Jun 8 16:26:17 PDT 2016

What it is:
1. It provides the user the ability to search all layers and all fields against a particular search string. It may be that the user already knows the layer he is interested in, but that is not always the case. It is possible that the user has a number of layers that contain similar data. I really do intend for it to search multiple layers, but LayerSearch has the ability to select a single layer and single column if desired.
2. It does not require any pre configuration other than the search feature and whether you want an exact match, a match at the beginning of a data field, or a match anywhere in the data.
3. The resulting matches display what layer and column the match was found in and by clicking on the match QGIS will zoom to that feature.
4. While searching on a large data set you can click an explore the found features even while it is still searching.

Not possible to consider pushing the query filter down the provider?

What it is not:
The fastest search engine in the world. It is not meant to be used to search a reference data set like Quick Finder does. I would not want it to do any pre indexing or pre configuration. That is not its purpose. I just tried a geonames data set with 2.2 million records,  LayerSearch completed the task in 45 seconds on my laptop. That is acceptable to me. In the mean time I was able to look at the matches it was finding. Even though I say this, I am interested in optimizing it to be as fast as possible, but I don't what the user to have to index the data or do any pre configuration first.

BTW when you talk about moving to "Processing" what are you talking about? Are you talking about the Processing toolbox or something else? I am new to the development side of QGIS.


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