[Qgis-developer] The first column in the attribute table

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Jun 15 23:56:08 PDT 2016


I'd like to discuss an issue in the attribute table. 

There is this very first column (not stored in the provider) which lists
the features as they appear in the provider (by default, if not
re-ordered by the user). What are these values? Some internal ID not
present in the data? Or some internal ID from the qt table widget? 

I am just wondering, because regarding this first column, QGIS behaves
different from Spreadsheets. 

When you reorder the table in QGIS, this very first column becomes "out
of order" - spreadsheets always display 1 to xxx - nicely ordered -
regardless of the sort order. Could QGIS be aligned to the behaviour of
spreadsheets or is there a particular reason not do so? I think, from a
users perspective, because these numbers are not present in the data,
that it would be more useful if they always stay ordered from 1 to xxx
or 0 to xxx, regardless of sorting. 

Thank you for your feedback. 


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