[Qgis-developer] is it possible to use virtual fields that depend on other virtual fields for styling and labeling?

Janneke van Dijk janneke.qgis at gmail.com
Tue May 17 07:02:50 PDT 2016

Dear list,

First, I'm not sure this is a question for the user list or the 
developer list so I send it to both.

In the attached project with test shapefile I have a shapefile with 
three virtual fields (integers). The first two virtual fields (vTest and 
vTest2) contain expressions to assign integers, the third virtual field 
(vTest3) multiplies the values of vTest and vTest2. I can use vTest and 
vTest2 in Styles and in Labels, but not vTest3. In styles it will not 
categorise, and the labels will just not show in the map. The values 
show correctly in the attribute table and with the information tool.

Is it a bug? Does anyone else have this issue? I'm using today's nightly 
build on Windows 7. As a work around I can create a non virtual field 
and use the field calculator to set the values to the values in vTest3.

kind regards,
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