[Qgis-developer] how to turn my plugin into a processing subplugin

Julie Pierson julie.pierson at cnrs.fr
Mon Nov 28 07:20:39 PST 2016

Hi all,

I would like to answer this issue for my plugin : 
https://github.com/UMR-PASSAGES/DissolveWithStats/issues/2, and turn it 
into a processing subplugin. I read this : 
but I'm still not sure how to go on.

I'm guessing that my script will be accessible from the Scripts/Tools 
part of the processing toolbox. But I don't understand :
- where these scripts are hosted, and how do I submit it
- where do I start ? Should I just make  a new version of my plugin 
without the GUI ?

Sorry if the answers are obvious !



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