How are you ?<BR><BR>Nice to send to you <BR><BR>I just want to ask you that i want to translate QGIS into Arabic ( Arabic Localization ) <BR><BR>and I need the Steps and Methods to follow and <STRONG><EM><FONT color=#936386 size=4>( Po File )</FONT></EM></STRONG> to do that <BR><BR>and I Consider you My teachers and my Supervisors to do it<BR><BR><p><font face="tahoma, new york, times, serif"></font> </p><p><font face="tahoma, new york, times, serif"> </p><p align="center"><hr></p><p align="center">Programmer</font></p><p align="center"><strong><font color="#0000bf">Assem Kamal</font></strong></p><p align="center"> 0105335953</p><p> 
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