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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=2>Hi Tisham,</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT size=2>>1: Including needed Python modules - Only PyQt4 and Sip are absolutely necessary and need to be exactly[...]</FONT></DIV><FONT size=2></FONT></DIV>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT size=2>yes, this has been already solved, thanks. But there's another *issue*. Leo asked me to also make some plugins available, even if user has not python installed, and to do that I need to inlcude all the needed python files. At the moment I solved this reauest, but, probably, reading the last mail I received, t</FONT><FONT size=2>he *issue* could be: "Do we really want to let users *without python* to use python plugins without the need of installing python itself?"</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT size=2>>2: Mapserver export plugin as I remember had a Cmake error which was not copying it to python\plugins in windows but to "share", the Cmake bug needs to be fixed or you can manually copy as I have done in the past.</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT size=2>I'll try. Thanks.</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT size=2>Marco</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>Da:</B> Tisham Dhar [mailto:tisham@apogee.com.au]<BR><B>Inviato:</B> lun 14/04/2008 2.12<BR><B>A:</B> marco.pasetti@alice.it<BR><B>Cc:</B> qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org<BR><B>Oggetto:</B> RE: [Qgis-developer] Windows installer[Scanned]<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
<P><FONT size=2>Hi Marco,<BR><BR>Problems 1 at a time:<BR><BR>1: Including needed Python modules - Only PyQt4 and Sip are absolutely necessary and need to be exactly the same as the ones qgis is built against otherwise qgis will crash on startup, even if there are already installed versions Qgis will still crash. What I do is copy them to the %PACKAGE_DIR%\pydep folder (which I made in the CMake install location for this purpose) and include using<BR><BR>testsip:<BR> IfFileExists $9\Lib\site-packages\sip.pyd sipok sipng<BR>sipok:<BR> goto testpyqt4<BR><BR>sipng:<BR> #copy over included sip<BR> SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\python"<BR> File "C:\Program Files\qgis${PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER}\pydep\sipconfig.py"<BR> File "C:\Program Files\qgis${PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER}\pydep\sip.pyd"<BR> goto pyqtng<BR><BR>testpyqt4:<BR> IfFileExists $9\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 pyqtok pyqtng<BR><BR>pyqtng:<BR> MessageBox MB_OK "PyQt4 is not installed.$\nInstalling Bundled PyQt4"<BR>#copy over bundled pyqt4 instead of skipping<BR> goto installpyqt4<BR>pyqtok:<BR> MessageBox MB_OK "PyQt4 located.$\nNote: Overwriting with included copy."<BR><BR>installpyqt4:<BR> SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\python"<BR> File /r "C:\Program Files\qgis${PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER}\pydep\PyQt4"<BR>pymacroend:<BR><BR>Details here: <A href="http://svn.qgis.org/WebSVN/filedetails.php?repname=Quantum%20GIS&path=%2Fbranches%2FRelease-0.9.2rc1%2Fwin_build%2Fpython.nsh&rev=0&sc=0">http://svn.qgis.org/WebSVN/filedetails.php?repname=Quantum%20GIS&path=%2Fbranches%2FRelease-0.9.2rc1%2Fwin_build%2Fpython.nsh&rev=0&sc=0</A><BR><BR>Not everything in python is needed. Only python25.dll and the 2bindings mentioned.<BR><BR>2: Mapserver export plugin as I remember had a Cmake error which was not copying it to python\plugins in windows but to "share", the Cmake bug needs to be fixed or you can manually copy as I have done in the past.<BR><BR>Regards,<BR><BR>Tishampati Dhar<BR><BR> Remote Sensing Software Developer<BR><BR> APOGEE IMAGING INTERNATIONAL<BR><BR> Building 12B<BR><BR> 1 Adelaide - Lobethal Road<BR><BR> Lobethal SA 5241<BR><BR> Telephone: +61 - 8 - 8389 5499<BR><BR> Fax: +61 - 8 - 8389 5488<BR><BR> Mobile: +61 - 406114165<BR><BR>Email: tisham@apogee.com.au <A href="mailto:tisham@apogee.com.au">mailto:tisham@apogee.com.au</A>><BR><BR>Web: www.apogee.com.au <<A href="http://www.apogee.com.au/">http://www.apogee.com.au</A>><BR><BR> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR><BR>"The information in this e-mail may be confidential and/or commercially privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intendedrecipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful."<BR><BR>-----Original Message-----<BR>From: Marco Pasetti [<A href="mailto:marco.pasetti@alice.it">mailto:marco.pasetti@alice.it</A>]<BR>Sent: Friday, 11 April 2008 8:01 AM<BR>To: Tisham Dhar<BR>Subject: R: [Qgis-developer] Windows installer[Scanned]<BR><BR>Hi Tisham,<BR><BR>I still have some problem with python plugins.<BR>The problem is not about the installer, but about the package.<BR>If I laucnch QGIS on my PC all work fine, python plugins included.... but<BR>there's the python path key registry value set to<BR>C:\DevTools\Python\Lib;C:\DevTools\Python\DLLs;C:\DevTools\Python\Lib\lib-tk<BR>that help qgis to find the needed files.<BR><BR>But if I want to prepare a self-contained package I need to know what files<BR>I need to include from python folder, and where to put them.<BR><BR>Since now I made as follows:<BR><BR>mkdir %PACKAGE_DIR%\python\PyQt4<BR><BR>copy C:\DevTools\Python\Lib\site-packages\sip.pyd %PACKAGE_DIR%\python<BR>copy C:\DevTools\Python\Lib\site-packages\sipconfig.py %PACKAGE_DIR%\python<BR><BR>xcopy C:\DevTools\Python\sip\PyQt4 %PACKAGE_DIR%\python\PyQt4 /S/V/F<BR>xcopy C:\DevTools\Python\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 %PACKAGE_DIR%\python\PyQt4<BR>/S/V/F<BR><BR>But I don't have mapserver export and plugin installer<BR><BR>If I also add:<BR>copy C:\DevTools\Python\Lib\* %PACKAGE_DIR%\python<BR><BR>It happens as follow: when I launch qgis the following error appears on<BR>loading:<BR><BR>[...] ImportError: No module named xml.dom<BR><BR>then (after pressing "close" on the error message), qgis opens correctly and<BR>I have the plugin installer item in the plugin menu (but not mapserver<BR>export). The plugin installer opens, but when I press "Get List" I have the<BR>following error: [...] ImportError: No module named _socket<BR><BR>Could you help me, please?<BR><BR>Thank you,<BR><BR>Marco<BR><BR><BR><BR>-----Messaggio originale-----<BR>Da: qgis-developer-bounces@lists.osgeo.org<BR>[<A href="mailto:qgis-developer-bounces@lists.osgeo.org">mailto:qgis-developer-bounces@lists.osgeo.org</A>] Per conto di Tisham Dhar<BR>Inviato: giovedì 10 aprile 2008 4.14<BR>A: qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org<BR>Oggetto: [Qgis-developer] Windows installer<BR><BR>Hi Marco,<BR><BR>Python is conflicting with my pre-installed python, can you check what I<BR>have in the release branch, I use pre-built PyQt and put that within the<BR>Qgis folder instead of using system PyQt. How exactly are you solvin the<BR>python issues. Can you drop by in IRC sometime to discuss<BR><BR>Regards,<BR><BR>Tishampati Dhar<BR><BR> Remote Sensing Software Developer<BR><BR> APOGEE IMAGING INTERNATIONAL<BR><BR> Building 12B<BR><BR> 1 Adelaide - Lobethal Road<BR><BR> Lobethal SA 5241<BR><BR> Telephone: +61 - 8 - 8389 5499<BR><BR> Fax: +61 - 8 - 8389 5488<BR><BR> Mobile: +61 - 406114165<BR><BR>Email: tisham@apogee.com.au <A href="mailto:tisham@apogee.com.au">mailto:tisham@apogee.com.au</A>><BR><BR>Web: www.apogee.com.au <<A href="http://www.apogee.com.au/">http://www.apogee.com.au</A>><BR><BR> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR><BR>"The information in this e-mail may be confidential and/or commercially<BR>privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail<BR>by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intendedrecipient, any<BR>disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken or omitted to be taken in<BR>reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful."<BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Qgis-developer mailing list<BR>Qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org<BR><A href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer">http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer</A><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></FONT></P></DIV></BODY></HTML>