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Hi developers:<BR>
I've been working in a replacement for open vector dialog. The ideas behind this work<BR>
support multilayer formats<BR>
support more ogr formats<BR>
support for opening database layers<BR>
support of service layers<BR>
To reach this goal I started classifying the ogr drivers as:<BR>
File based<BR>
Directory based<BR>
Database based<BR>
Service based<BR>
There are a lot of formats in ogr and the question that come to my<BR>
mind is should qgis support as many formats as there are in ogr or<BR>
choose just some of them? in the other hand there are some drivers<BR>
for formats I don`t know and I'm not sure if I classified them correctly and<BR>
if I set the file filters correctly.<BR>
Attached is doc file with the classification and the "yes" <BR>
in column "qgis supported" means I have opened layers of that format.<BR>
Any fixes to classification list are welcome as well as any comment.<BR>
Godofredo Contreras<BR>
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