<font size="2">I am pleased to see that you're having the hackfest to improve QGIS. If want some data to test with QGIS, I have lots. I have a 2500 km sq area of northern Manitoba having topographical mapping with 7 layers and 30 shape files of 234 Mb. This mapping was done with orthophotography of .5m pixels and is quite detailed. You are welcome to use that dataset for testing QGIS,<br><br>I have found significant performance issues in QGIS with this data the draws take at least 30 seconds for an area of 50 km X 34 km for the water layer. I could FTP it to you. I haven't even tried loading the ortho photos which are .5m resolution and are 5 km X 5 km with a file size of 293Mb.<br><br>I can FTP this dataset to a site of your choosing if you want to use it.<br><br> Bob Bruce<br><br></font>