Hello Guys, <br><br>I'm with a little problem here trying to "colormaping" a raster.<br><br>Here is the code that adds a raster:<br><a href="http://pastebin.com/m3d57d2e2">http://pastebin.com/m3d57d2e2</a><br>
<br>Where: <br>- AddRasterLayer is the method that adds a layer to the canvas,<br>- qgsImage is the qgsMapCanvas<br>- mclLayerSet is the list of the MapLayers<br>- ui.twPalette is a TreeWidget that holds the colormap<br>
In this point,<br>myRasterShaderFunction->setColorRampItemList<span class="br0">(</span> myColorRampItems <span class="br0">)</span>;<br><br>The application exits abnormally.<br><br>That's anything that I need to configure in the raster before set this variable?<br>
<br>Anyone could help this desperated developer?<br><br clear="all">Best Regards,<br>------------------------------<br>Sérgio Cavalcante<br><br>