Hi the list.<br><br>The following issue was submitted to the qgis-user list but received no answer at all...<br><br>I have a very annoying problem with QGis 1.1.0 Pan. The <span class="il">python</span> console is unusable: when I try to launch it, it crashed QGis.<br>
<br>I have included the crash message. Maybe some of you already have had this problem before or can explain how to avoid it.<br>
As some might expect, some plugins crash in the same manner, but I
haven't been able to isolate the exact reason yet. Not being able to use
the console obviously doesn't help ;-)<br><br>I am running QGis 1.1.0 Pan on Debian with a kernel on a 32bits Intel Core 2 Duo CPU<br>
I have <span class="il">Python</span> 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 4 2009, 17:40:26) [GCC 4.3.2] on linux2<br><br>Thanks a lot for your help.<br>Florian<br>