I am trying to develop c++ plugin under windows.<br>I want to use Visual Studio to do it.<br><br>Using plugin_builder.py I get a<br>standard c++ plugin template and a CMakeList.txt.<br>Using CMake for win I can't obtain <br>
a visual studio project(obtain some error).<br><br>How have to modify the CMakeList to correctly obtain a VS project ?<br>Which is the best way to develop plugin with visual studio ?<br><br> Supposing that my plugin is correctly built how I have to say to Qgis of load that plugin? (the tutorial says to copy the dll in the plugins directory).<br>
<br>Note that I ma using QGIS installed from pre-built installer not builded from source.<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Luca<br><br><br>