Hello everybody,<br>I'm trying to develop a plugin, written in C++ language, that, amongst other things, should connect with a Database to retrieve non-spatial data from it.<br>I'm using Qt libraries and the Database is MySql. The problem is that I get just 4 drivers types available:<br><br> <i>QPSQL7 (PostgreSQL Driver)<br> QPSQL<br> QODBC3 (<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240); vertical-align: top;">ODBC Driver (includes Microsoft SQL Server)</span>)</i><br><i> QODBC</i><br><br>It seems MySql driver is not available. <br>Doing the same thing in a new Project outside Qgis context, I get this drivers available:<br> <br><i> QSQLITE<br> QMYSQL3<br> QMYSQL<br> QODBC3<br> QODBC<br> QPSQL7<br> QPSQL (MySql Driver)</i><br><br>Does it means that Qgis does'n support MySql Db? There are, between Qgis Api, other classes to manage Db connection and Sql Query?<br>I found<font size="2"> <i>QgsDataSourceURI </i></font>but it seems works only with PostgreSql.<br>