Hi qgis dev,<br><br>I am still working on my python plugin. Now, thanks to Carson and Barry, my UI is running smoothly.<br>Now I am working on the core code.<br><br>I would like to use Gdal to perform a gdal_translate on some selected raster layer.<br>
I have no idea how I can find the path of the gdal binary used by Qgis. Of course I need an OS independant method.<br><br>I tried to read the GdalTool plugin code, but woow, it is a bit too complicated for me rigth now. E.g, I have seen there is a function :<br>
<br># Retrieves GDAL binaries location<br>def getGdalPath():<br> settings = QSettings()<br> return settings.value( "/GdalTools/gdalPath", QVariant( "" ) ).toString()<br><br>But I am not sure it will work if run from another plugin (especially if GdalTool is not installed/active ).<br>
<br>Thanks in advance for helping me,<br><br>Kimaidou<br>