Hello All,<br><br>Just made and attempt to install the WPS-Client plugin.<br><br>Got the following message:<br><br>The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following<br>Python module in order to enable it: <span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"><span style="visibility: visible;" id="topstuff"><b>ui_qgsnewhttpconnectionbase<br>
<br></b>Is this already a compiled component that I can fetch somewhere?<br><br>My phase of QGIS is to get into some python plugin development but I am not there yet.<br><br>My QGIS 1.5 is on the following platform:<br><br>
Windows 7 Professional - 32 Bit.<br><br>I have been using QGIS 1.5 now for around a month using Postgresql 9.3 (PostGIS 1.5.3)<br>to manage my shapefiles along with successfully using a number of Plugins to manage vector and raster files.<br>
<br>Gotta to hand it to all involved in the development of QGIS. This is one fine piece of GIS management software.<br><br>Just curious, but are there certain camps in the QGIS community that favors one GIS server over another? I am<br>
leaning toward GeoServer at the moment but would welcome additional comments from the QGIS Community<br>regarding WMS, WFS, etc servers to use with QGIS.<br><br>Again, congrats to all involved in the development of QGIS and I look forward to getting involved with the list.<br>