Hi guys,<br>I added the DBmanager development, maybe this could be a good chance to integrate some <br>of the database plugins.<br><br>As far as there's some work to do before turning to the new symbology (some features work <br>
in old symbology but are still missing in the new one), but also the new labelling needs <br>some work (and maybe diagrams??), why don't we insert it as proposal?<br><br>I don't know both if there are people that are working on those feature now and if this proposal <br>
can conflict with people worked at those features. <br>Martin, do you have question about adding old-new symbology integration to the gsoc proposal? <br>And about the old-new labelling system, are there reasons to not add it to the proposal?<br>
<br>Cheers.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Giuseppe Sucameli<br><br>