<br>Often when defining whole layer styles, I find one rule set of units and dimensions (usually in mm) works well for general work on a screen and output via server, but high quality, denser output to print requires a different set, relative to expected output scale (where I often use map units). This is an example of needing to quickly switch layer styles, possibly across a whole project.<br clear="all">
<br>How about a means to quickly switch between stored, named styles for a layer?<br><br>There could be named style store and load gui functions in the layer properties dialog. Loading/Saving a .qml file, for example, could offer to add a named style to the layer, prompting for a name. Load and/or Store once, then quickly switch between those saved named styles in future use of the project. A 'Stored Styles' submenu of the contextual menu for a selected layer in the legend could offer a quick switch between stored named styles.<br>
<br>On a project level, there could be a submenu of uniquely used named styles, across the project's layers, to switch between. Then a looping function could switch all layers with a linked stored style of the chosen name in one operation, for example to 'Print' or 'OSM'. (Sure would beat import/exporting for many layers.)<br>
<br>I see with the QgsMapLayer saveNamedStyle() and loadNamedStyle() already do the saving/loading bit, via a URI to the user's personal qgis.db or a .qml file. Storing of the named layer styles and their URIs could be in the project file. Named styles could be multi-linked at the layer level and stored at the project level, making them available to all layers of similar kind.<br>
<br>Is this just crazy talk? Or something that has already been discussed?<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Larry Shaffer<br>Dakota Cartography<br>
Black Hills, South Dakota<br>