Hello all,<div><br></div><div>I am currently a graduate student in economics at Clark University but in a former life I worked as a Sen. Software Engineer and Release Engineer. I am more or less an expert in python and I have used c++ but not for a long time. I am very impressed by the code I am looking at currently. If you need help with stuff that you think would match my skills (release, code verification, QA, whatever...) I have some free time and I need an application better than ArcGIS because I loath toolboxes and you all have shown me a much better UI. I am going to try to pick off bugs as I seem them and perhaps start in on some blockers. If you need help with releases, let me know. I have managed some very large ones (which was the main cause for me to go back to school). Volunteering is so much more fun. </div>
<div><br></div><div>If you have some urgent stuff that needs to get done, let me know where to look and I will start tackling problems when I have time. </div><div><br></div><div>Thanks all,</div><div>~Ben</div>