Hi,<br>Im new in QGIS and i compiled a sample code and when i want to add a raster layer i got an error (Not valid layer) ...<br>and i compiled the source of QGIS and it work correct ... <br>what's wrong ???<br><br>this is my .pro :<br>
<br>TEMPLATE = app<br>TARGET = qgis_example4<br>QT = qt3support sql network svg gui core xml<br><br>DEFINES += QGISPLUGINDIR=$${QGISPLUGINDIR}<br>LIBS = -lqgis_core -lqgis_gui -lproj<br><br><br>INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qgis /usr/include/gdal /usr/include/gls<br>
<br>DEFINES += CORE_EXPORT=""<br>DEFINES += GUI_EXPORT=""<br><br>CONFIG += qt gui exceptions stl warn_on debug thread<br><br>RESOURCES += resources.qrc<br><br>FORMS += mainwindowbase.ui<br><br>HEADERS = mainwindow.h<br>
<br>SOURCES = main.cpp \<br> mainwindow.cpp<br><br><br>