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<p>Hi, I use this list because I post a report on QGIS 2.10 and
Giovanni Manghi tell me to send you e-mail with the problem : <br>
<p>I try the nighlty version of QGIS 2.9.25 and I have a problem
with the size method in graduate symbol. The size method should be
in categorized symbol and unique symbol but not in graduated. This
is the first problem because we can't give a size to class in
graphic semiology, each different value should have a different
The other problem is the mathematic calcul for the size, actually
it's false, the right calcul is radius = square root(quantity/pi)
we can after that multiply or split by a value all the radius
value. To solve the problem of really small circle we could choose
a minimum size for value under a custom limit. For the big circle
we can choose a max value for the radius and find the most
appropriated ratio between the max value we want and the radius
initially calculate. I hope you could understant what I'm trying
to say.<br>
This is very important because the proportionnal symbol are really
essential for cartographer and legend associated too.<br>
<p>Have a good day<br>
Fabien Cerbelaud
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<td style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border-right:1px solid
#ccc"> <b style="color:#B51621;">Fabien CERBELAUD</b><br>
Assistant Ingénieur Cartographe - <strong><em>Service
Ingénierie Recherche</em></strong><br>
Université de Limoges<br>
Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines<br>
39E rue Camille Guérin 87036 Limoges Cedex<br>
<td style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border-right:1px solid
#ccc"> <b style="color:#B51621;">T</b>él : 05 55 43 <strong>55
<b style="color:#B51621;">B</b>ureau : A 003<br>
<b style="color:#B51621;">A</b>ccueil : 05 55 43 56 00<br>
<b style="color:#B51621;">W</b>eb : <a style="color:
#B51621; text-decoration:none;"
href="http://www.flsh.unilim.fr/" id="lien-web">http://www.flsh.unilim.fr/</a><br>
<b style="color:#B51621;">M</b>ail : <a style="color:
#B51621; text-decoration:none;"
href="mailto:fabien.cerbelaud@unilim.fr" id="lien-mail">fabien.cerbelaud@unilim.fr</a><br>
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