<div dir="ltr">While working on an overhaul of the QgsSpatiaLiteProvider (for Spatialite 4.5.0), I just completed the portion for setting the default DATE/DATETIME etc. only to find that for the QDateTimeEdit class, the beginning or the world is determined by the Act of Parliament of 1751 (Calendar Act) - which is a disaster for any Historical Database for any event before 1752-09-14.<div><br></div><div>Therefore it would be a good idea to set the lowest Date that can be displayed as Qt::ISODate (0001-01-01T00:00:00) for all QDateTimeEdit being used:</div><div>- minimumDateTime(QDateTime(QDate::fromString( "0001-01-01", Qt::ISODate )));<br></div><div>(QDateTime can store lower Dates, but they cannot be displayed as an ISODate)</div><div><br></div><div>If somebody could give a hint as to where the 'Feature Attributes" Dialog is, I could try this out tomorrow.</div><div><br></div><div>Mark Johnson</div></div>