<HTML><BODY>Hi QGIS-developers,<br> <br> I made small additions to the code that improve the design of maps. <br> Of course, I can use this addition personally, but I want it to be available to everyone.<br> <br> Who can help me with including it in the main QGIS code?<br> <br> You can easily test it by replacing the attached files in the source code of the current version.<br> I'm sure it won't take you much time. I am attaching 2 simple examples.<br> <br> --------<br> Proposed changes.<br> In the "Print Layout" section when building a map grid, it is necessary to add the possibility of a frame shift relative to the map.<br> It will be very easy to form a different framework for drawing up maps.<br> ---------<br> I enclose the program code for this change. ( The attachment: qgis_change.zip)<br> <br> What changed :<br> 1. UI - add label "offset" and QgsDoubleSpinBox ( The attachment: screenshot_offset.png )<br> 2. "offset" - from 0 to 99 ( default -0)<br> 3. Add corners for "zebra" and frame boarder.<br> 4. If you use the default offset to "0", there will be no changes from the current version. Only for "zebra" corners will be drawn more correctly.<br> ----------<br> <br> Why it is very important to make this small change.<br> Now QGIS does not have the means to design a standard scale frame of nautical charts. It is not possible to make standard designs for topographic maps.<br> Some applications, such as ArcGIS or my plugin for QGIS - the geogrid, create static vector layers for the map sections.<br> When making the proposed add-on, we can very easily create a dynamic design that will meet the requirements of the standards.<br> <br> I hope to help the qgis-developers community.<br> <br> Best regards,<br> Konstantin Puzankov<br> <br> e-mail: <a href="https://e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3akonst555@mail.ru" rel=" noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" data-mce-href="https://e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3akonst555@mail.ru">konst555@mail.ru</a><br> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br></BODY></HTML>