<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear QGIS developers,</div><div><br></div><div>Here is my 10th-week report for my GSoC Project[4]. You can also check the project wiki page [2]. Comments and suggestions are welcome :)</div><br clear="all"><div><font size="4">GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement Week 10 Report</font><br><br><b>Period</b>: 30 July 2019 - 4 August 2019<br><br><b>Report</b><br>1. What did I complete this week?<br>  - Adding QgsSymbolButton for the UI (thanks to Nyall for the help)<br>  - Implementing billboard from the user input. It's still in progress. Only work once, perhaps missing signal handling. Currently debugging it.<br>2. What am I going to achieve for next week?<br>  - Solve using a symbol from QgsSymbolButton<br>3. Is there any blocking issue?<br>  - N/A<br>4. Code<br>  - Branch for billboard feature [1]<br>  - Repo for QT C++ billboard [3]<br>5. Misc<br>  - This week I was quite busy with my last week of the block course and got sick that needed me to have some bed rest. I couldn't manage to work on the project like previous weeks. Fortunately, the class is finished, now I can focus again on the project.<br><br><b>References</b><br>- [1] <a href="https://github.com/ismailsunni/QGIS/tree/billboard">https://github.com/ismailsunni/QGIS/tree/billboard</a><br>- [2] Project Wiki: <a href="https://github.com/ismailsunni/QGIS/wiki/GSoC-2019---QGIS-3D-Improvement">https://github.com/ismailsunni/QGIS/wiki/GSoC-2019---QGIS-3D-Improvement</a><br>- [3] <a href="https://github.com/ismailsunni/qt3d-custom-shader">https://github.com/ismailsunni/qt3d-custom-shader</a><br></div><div>- [4] <a href="https://github.com/ismailsunni/QGIS/wiki/Week-10-Report">https://github.com/ismailsunni/QGIS/wiki/Week-10-Report</a></div>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">Ismail Sunni<br><div><a href="http://ismailsunni.wordpress.com" target="_blank">ismailsunni.wordpress.com</a></div></div></div>