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<div>Hi all,<br>
I developed a QGIS (3.10.14-A Coruņa) plugin to export hundreds pdfs from QgsReport.<br>
The pdf is composed by maps and the last page contains a table which can be expanded to the next pages.<br>
At the beginnig the pdfs are all right.<br>
The problem occurs after some hundreds pdf when the table is truncated to 1 page and it doesn't expand to the next pages.<br>
It seems something regarding memory...<br>
This is the code used to generate pdf.</div>
<div>if type(layout) == qgis._core.QgsReport:<br>
pdf_settings = QgsLayoutExporter.PdfExportSettings() # default settings<br>
result, msg = QgsLayoutExporter.exportToPdf(layout, outputFileName, pdf_settings)</div>
<div>Is there anybody can help me ?<br>
Thank you in advance<br>
Roberto Poltini</div>
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