<html><body><div><div><span>Hello all, </span></div><br><div><span>Can anyone tell me what's the version of PyQt5-sip are we building QGIS?</span></div><br><div><span>At conda-forge we are facing a strange bug with QGIS builds in several plataforms that is not affecting OSGeo builds:</span></div><br><div><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/conda-forge/qgis-feedstock/issues/346">https://github.com/conda-forge/qgis-feedstock/issues/346</a></div><br><div><span>We think it might be related to the old version of PyQt5-sip being used (12.11.0) during the builds compared with the SIP version used in run time. Can anyone confirm what version of pyqt5-sip is being used in OSGeo4w builds?</span></div><br><div><span>Thanks,</span></div><br><div><span>Alexandre Neto</span></div></div></body></html>