[QGIS-it-user] aggiornamento vista raster georeferenziato - QGIS 3.4.1
Gabriela Osaci-Costache
gabrielacatalinaosaci a yahoo.it
Sab 24 Nov 2018 04:24:47 PST
Grazie mille, Totò!
Fatto: https://issues.qgis.org/issues/20617
Da: Totò <pigrecoinfinito a gmail.com>
A: qgis-it-user a lists.osgeo.org
Inviato: Sabato 24 Novembre 2018 13:09
Oggetto: Re: [QGIS-it-user] aggiornamento vista raster georeferenziato - QGIS 3.4.1
Gabriela Osaci-Costache wrote
> Tracker: bugreportOggetto: refreshingof a layer (raster) doesn't work
> aftergeoreferencingDescrizione:Using the "Refresh (F5)" icon does not
> update the view with the newgeoreferencing (raster), remaining the old
> image on the screen. By manuallyuploading the raster file I observe that
> this has been updated, it alsocontains the new GCPs. The "Render" box
> (Toggle map rendering) -bottom right - is checked.Method:
> 1. I load thealready geo-referenced map (raster, .tif format).
> 2. I open the Georeferencer and load the historical map to be
> georeferenced (raster, .tif format) and choose some GCP points.
> 3. I save thefile with the points.
> 4. I choosethe transformation settings and select "Load in QGIS when
> done".
> 5. "Startgeoreferencing".
> Up to thispoint everything goes smoothly, as always, up to version 2.18.25
> included.
> 6. Once thegeoreferenced file is loaded, I choose a transparency (this
> file remains in theproject) to better see the base map.
> 7. I look forother GCPs.
> 8. In thetransformation settings I deselect "Load in QGIS when done".
> 9. "Startgeoreferencing".
> The view isnot updated using "Refresh (F5)".
> Stato: OpenPriorità: NormalAffected QGIS version: 3.4.1.Operatin system:
> Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)Categoria: Rasters ?......
> Actions?.....Regression: Sì
> --
> Sorry for being short
Per me va bene.
Sarebbe bene allegare qualche screenshot e dei file raster e progetto.
grazie gabriela
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