[QGIS-it-user] Qgis server e Lizmap

Paolo Cavallini cavallini a faunalia.it
Mar 8 Ott 2019 07:56:25 PDT

Hai abilitato cgi?

On 8 October 2019 17:42:07 EEST, nicoali <nicoaliotta a gmail.com> wrote:
>Ho provato a installare lizmap su un VPS con ubuntu 16.04 X64 e sembra
>andata a buon fine, visualizzo il pannello admin etc.. ma non riesco a
>visualizzare le mappe in quanto i servizi WMS e WFS di qgis server non
>sembrano funzionare.
>ricevo un Internal Server Error!
>con *find / -name 'qgis_mapserv.fcgi' *  
>ricevo    /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi
>/usr/lib/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi     Warning 1: Unable to find driver
>to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.
>Warning 1: Unable to find driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
>Warning 1: Unable to find driver JP2ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
>Warning 1: Unable to find driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
>Warning 1: Unable to find driver JP2ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
>Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
>Content-Length: 206
><ServiceExceptionReport version="1.3.0"
><ServiceException code="Service configuration error">Service unknown or
>fin qui sembra tutto regolare!
>ho creato il mio  /etc/apache2/sites-available/qgis.nico.conf
>e lanciato 
>a2enmod fcgid
>a2ensite qgis.nico
>service apache2 restart
>il log error:
>e qgis.nico.error log
>Sent from:
>QGIS-it-user mailing list
>QGIS-it-user a lists.osgeo.org

Sorry for being short
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