[QGIS-it-user] Grant Proposal 2023

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna a libero.it
Lun 10 Lug 2023 00:26:36 PDT

vi informo che il PSC di QGIS.org ha approvato di finanziare anche la 
proposta 270 - "Conda Installer for macOS".

A presto.


-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 	[Qgis-psc] Grant proposal 270 (MacOS installer) funding
Data: 	Mon, 10 Jul 2023 09:17:36 +0200
Mittente: 	Marco Bernasocchi via QGIS-PSC <qgis-psc a lists.osgeo.org>
Rispondi-a: 	Marco Bernasocchi <marco a qgis.org>
A: 	Matthias Kuhn <matthias a opengis.ch>, QGIS PSC List 
<qgis-psc a lists.osgeo.org>

Dear Matthias,
at the last PSC, we discussed using a separate budget position to 
finance your grant proposal 270 - Conda Installer for macOS [1]

The PSC recognises the Mac situation is currently less than optimal so 
we are delighted to announce that the motion has been accepted [2].

Thanks a lot for your proposal, we're sure it will help a lot our MacOS 
user base.


[1] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/270 
Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS.org Chair
http://berna.io <http://berna.io>

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