[Qgis-psc] [Fwd: Profit & Loss for QGIS Accounts]

Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de
Thu Jan 29 22:23:33 PST 2009


this looks good :), and apart from that I would very much like, if we can send
out a sponsoring announcement to the lists (using the hackfest as argument) to
push people/companies a little to give some money for the development of "their"
software. We could use parts of the text on the wiki for that, but I really
don't have enough time to do so.

Then we could contact directly some developers and try to help them with their
expenses. I know it is difficult to decide how to spread the money, but e.g. I
talked to Carson and he would like to come but doesn't really have the money. If
we could offer to sponsor his or other's flights with maybe 200 $/Euro, I guess
they would come.

just an idea...


On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 06:55:41 +0100
Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:

> Hi all.
> Here is a report of our finances. To me it looks ok. Please let me know
> if you have any concern. We still have 919 $ that we could use for the
> hackfest.
> All the best.
> pc
> -------- Messaggio Originale --------
> Oggetto: 	Profit & Loss for QGIS Accounts
> Data: 	Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:38:26 -0800 (PST)
> Da: 	Tyler Mitchell <tmitchell at osgeo.org>
> 	Mar 13 - Dec 31, 2006 	Jan - Dec 2007 	Jan - Dec 2008 	Jan 1-14, 2009
> Total
> Income 					
>    Donations 		2,021.62 			$2,021.62
> Total Income 	$0.00 	$2,021.62 	$0.00 	$0.00 	$2,021.62
> Expenses 					
>    Bank Service Charges 		77.72 			$77.72
>    Contract Labor 				1,024.52 	$1,024.52
> Total Expenses 	$0.00 	$77.72 	$0.00 	$1,024.52 	$1,102.24
> Net Operating Income 	$0.00 	$1,943.90 	$0.00 	$ -1,024.52 	$919.38
> Net Income 	$0.00 	$1,943.90 	$0.00 	$ -1,024.52 	$919.38
> Thursday, Jan 29, 2009 11:38:26 AM GMT-8 - Accrual Basis
> This report was created using QuickBooks Online.

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