[Qgis-psc] QGIS Polska

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Wed Dec 15 02:36:11 PST 2010

Hi Tim and PSC,

W dniu 15.12.2010 10:34, Tim Sutton pisze:
>>> We started organizing QGIS courses and our question is as follows:
>>> Can we sign attendance certificates as "QGIS Polska", confirming them with
>>> our names?
> My opinion is that we should wait until we have the proper
> acreditation in place - we can fast track this part but if we end up
> with unofficial QGIS certificates and official QGIS certificates (with
> serial numbers etc.) its going to get very confusing. If necessary we
> Hope above made sense....
> Regards
> Tim

There are two different issues/certificates.

First one is skills certificate.
This was our proposal at hackfest. Centralized serial numbers, etc. As I 
understand, all your comments Tim are related to this certificate. And I 
agree with you in 100%.

Second one is course attendance certificate.
Our post was related to this 'minor', local issue.
This part is much harder to centralize, as MANY firms/persons provide 
such courses already running all around the world. Can/should it be 
centralized? If so, some policy should be ready in advance.


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