[Qgis-psc] Plugins: old repo, migration

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Thu May 10 10:54:45 PDT 2012

Dnia czwartek, 10 maja 2012 o 13:20:04 Paolo Cavallini napisaƂ(a):
> Hi all.
> We currently have the new plugin webapp fully functional, going to be
> shipped with QGIS 1.8. Are we going to keep also the old repos as default
> ones? I would vote for:
> - asking the authors to move their plugins to the new one
> - enabling the new one by default (this may already true)
> - removing the old repos from the list of those available.

+1 for all. My two cents:

cent #1) I think we should remove the old repos from the Installer AFTER 
releasing 1.8. Now it's too early for it.

cent #2) Also QGIS > 1.8 should say something like: 'Honey, you have 17 old 
repositories in your QSettings. Most of valuable plugins are moved to the 
brand new one now. Do you want me to remove the old repos? If you're unsure 
what to choose, I kindly insist to remove them.' + a checkbox for each 

> After all:
> - those who have installed a plugin can keep on using it (no regression)
> - if a dev is not willing to upload a file, he will probably will not
> maintain it anyway - the old repo can still be added by hand if needed.
> I know it's a bit late, but I think reducing the amount of duplication
> (perceived by users as chaos) is a good thing for QGIS, and this seems
> simple and painless. All the best.

+1 too

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