[Qgis-psc] FOSS4G Korea: short report

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Oct 12 17:29:12 PDT 2012

Hi all.
Yesterday I participated, as QGIS representative, at the FOSS4G
Korea[0]. I think the meeting was a success, and QGIS was well received.
It is rather popular here, there is already people writing plugins,
there is interest in developing an hydrological suite, and in general
the potential for growth seems high. Surprisingly, very few people, if
any, knew about QGIS as a map server, and I tried to emphasize its merits.
Of course cultural barriers (including linguistic ones) are in place,
and I think we should creatively invest more in involving local communities.
Apparently here they have a few problems that, even if they are minor,
effectively block they wider and smoother use of QGIS:
- a few local projections are not included in our SR DB
- the bug in shapefile encoding (already solved in master) force many
users to stick to older versions
- Sextante does not support unicode characters.
I invited them to be more vociferous about these issues, that can be
solved easily, and to send patches etc., but it would be good to be able
to listen to users needs more widely. Ideas welcome.
All the best, and thanks for giving me this interesting opportunity. I
hope my talks will help to effectively spread QGIS throughout.

Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario


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