[Qgis-psc] QGIS trademark: moving forward

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Jan 14 03:34:32 PST 2014

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Hi all.
As agreed, I'm proceeding with a lawyer (Simone Aliprandi, cc) to start the
registration process.
Here our first conclusions:

* we need a legal entity to register (a firm, and individual, etc.); it is easy to
donate the trademark afterwards, so anybody can register it now, and hand it over to
a QGIS legal entity afterwards; however, IMHO it would be more natural to first have
a QGIS foundation, then register the trademark on its name; Switzerland seems to have
a number of advantages for this, so I'd suggest to see (thanks Andreas) what a CH
foundation registration implies, and move to another country only if this proves too
difficult or expensive
* while registering the trademark, we can register both the name and the logo; this
can be changed afterwards, but it would be obviously more linear if we could register
our "definitive" logo straight away
* we have to decide 3 categories in which we'll be protected; the list is here:
http://tmclass.tmdn.org/ec2/ (click on Nice Class headings); none fits too well, but
Simone suggests to select 9, 38, and 41; suggestions welcome; we can register
additional categories at a cost of 150 € each
* this is a checklist of things to take into account for registering:

All the best.
- -- 
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
Corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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