[Qgis-psc] Dev meeting evenings

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Sun Mar 2 07:31:49 PST 2014


On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 02.03.2014, 09:45 Uhr, schrieb Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>:
>  Thanks Anita. From my point of view, money is not an issue (50 %* 4h per
>> day * 4 days will be affordable). So please ask the devs.
> Realistically, do you want me to start a discussion on the dev list? Or
> email those who will attend?
>  I suppose we cannot ask to be flexible, and pay
>> only what we use, right?
> Unfortunately, we have to arrange this in advance.
>  An alternative is to keep on hacking at the hotel, I suppose a small
>> group could use the hall?
> I suppose but I don't know that hotel and its infrastructure.
> Am 02.03.2014, 12:14 Uhr, schrieb Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>:
>  I guess there would be "spontaneous" small hackfests at the hotel
>> lobbies, restaurants or bars if we have to leave the main venue.
> Most likely. But these places will be of limited use because of lack of
> electricity and good wifi.
>  As a donator I don't want to have my money fade away in security
>> companies. I'd rather invest in QGIS developers. So I would not want to
>> pay security people every evening. Maybe just one evening?
> Noted. I think at most we would get Tuesday and Thursday (maybe Friday)
> because OSGeo covers Monday evening and Wednesday evening we'll have dinner
> in the city center.
>  Have you also discussed about the catering? I guess for 60 to 80 people
>> it is not possible to spontaneously organize meals like at previous
>> hackfests. Also the restaurants can't host that many people without
>> reservations.
> On Monday, Stephan will organize catering at the venue. On Wednesday there
> will be a restaurant reservation. I guess one day will be pizza day. In
> general, there is a big supermarket in the neighboring building where we
> can buy all kinds of snacks and convenience food.
> Am 02.03.2014, 13:59 Uhr, schrieb Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com>:
>> Agree with comments of others. Assuming that we are staying on site to
>> eat on most nights, I would think 8pm is too early for comfort.In Lyon and
>> we had such a cap at around 23h00 I think it was which isprobably more
>> reasonable than 8pm.
> @Tim: So you would want to spend some money so that we can stay longer?

Yes for the nights that we are not eating / busy with an excursion I think
it would be good to be able to stay later than 8pm.  Perhaps 22h00? Just my
opinion of course, others may differ.



>  If I wasnt so skinny I should have been a security
>> guard in Austria - they make good money! :-)
> Don't worry, after taxes and the bosses' share, it's not very glorious.
> Thanks for your input so far!
> Best wishes,
> Anita
> --
> anitagraser.com

Tim Sutton

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