[Qgis-psc] Trademark issues

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Oct 9 12:05:39 PDT 2014


Sorry - I may have overreacted a bit. According to 
I understand that these sublicenses are only required if the name QGIS i 
part of a different product name or domain name, right?

How about if a local user group has a domain name where qgis is part of 
the domain name? Like qgis.ch, qgis.us, qgis.nl, etc.? According to 
I would have to request such a sub license.

I think the situation of a publisher using QGIS as part of the book 
title needs to be clarified in the FAQ section of 


On 09.10.2014 20:56, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Although I am not on the PSC and have no formal vote on the PSC I 
> would like to raise my personal concerns about this 
> trademark/permission/sublicense thing.
> I think it would open a lot of unnecessary bureaucracy that noone is 
> interested in (neither us or the sublicensee) if all users of the QGIS 
> name or logo will have to issue a sub-license. Can't we just use our 
> trademark in cases of misuse?
> Also think about what it means: every company that offers QGIS support 
> (I think there are now at least 30-40 companies) would have to ask for 
> a sublicense. Then every book author, blog poster, local QGIS user 
> group, non-profit organizations, etc. This opens a can of worms. Are 
> we really interested in this bureaucracy?
> I also don't think it is productive to ask for a sub-license fee - 
> would you want to pay a fee for your company to make use of the name 
> and logo? I am very sure you will annoy people and organizations. 
> Paolo, you also have logos on your company webpage (e.g. 
> http://www.faunalia.eu/en/dev.html) - did you ever have to ask one of 
> these projects (Postgis, GRASS, GDAL, etc.) for permission to use 
> their logo?
> Can we please rethink the decision that most organizations need 
> permission to use the QGIS name and logo - also the idea of a 
> sub-license fee?
> I may have misunderstood things though - in which case I apologize.
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> On 09.10.2014 19:56, Anita Graser wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Paolo Cavallini 
>> <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
>>> IMHO it is perfectly reasonable to as for a fee for sublicencing, in 
>>> case this is
>>> appropriate; of course it does not make sense for free services.
>>> That's why I suggested to establish a general frame, and proceed on 
>>> a case by case basis.
>>> All the best.
>> Ok, so there are two issues for clarification:
>> 1. We might want to be able to charge for sublicencing. What should be
>> the rules?
>> 2. Do all people who provide free services (e.g. video tutorials on
>> Youtube) have to get a sublicense?
>> Best wishes,
>> Anita
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