[Qgis-psc] Ticket queue management

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 00:59:49 PST 2015

Hi all,

I honestly think that this is a completely not necessary.

We all know that the bug tracker, beside of good reports, is also full of:

* old reports, no more valid in recent QGIS releases
* reports without meaningful description, not allowing to replicate
* reports missing the necessary data do allow replicate
* reports that do not get any kind of further feedback upon a question
by a tester/developer
* reports about issues that are as such only in the reporter
computer/os, and in no one else computer/os

(and in the last two cases I have also specific examples, that for
instance are about you Paolo).

In the last weeks, with the help also of other people, we are trying
to clean up a bit this mess (and as a fact we are cleaning quite a

The fact that sometimes (and honestly it happens quite rarely) a valid
ticket  is closed, even after a deep test -usually in a least two
different OSes (in my case always Linux and Windows, and sometimes
OsX) and different QGIS versions (ltr, latest available and master and
often even older releases)- it is really not a big deal:

there is a lot of people looking at notifications, starting form the
reporter, and the ticket can be easily reopened.

So please stop with this ludicrous polemic, keep up the good work
within QGIS, and have good holidays!


-- G --

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 6:40 AM, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think keeping the bug queue clean and tidy is an important and welcome
> task. In the last months, I have seen with pleasure several volunteers
> dealing with this. However, I also see that often perfectly valid
> tickets are closed without careful inspection. This is annoying for the
> reporter, and make us missing important information. Of course more
> motivated reporters will check again and reopen it, but I'm pretty sure
> many people will silently slip away.
> I'd therefore call for a more careful handling of these, thinking twice
> before closing a ticket: any thoughts or objections?
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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