[Qgis-psc] Follow-up: 3.0 API documentation

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Fri Feb 27 11:36:51 PST 2015


There's still something on my todo list which fell dormant since we went
the 2.8 LTR route and postponed setting a time line for 3.0.

I'm just summing up the discussion about creating a PyQGIS cookbook page
which collects the API changes between 2.x and 3.0 for future reference (

17:31 < anitagraser> can we vote setting up a pyqgis coobook page to
collect information about api breaks between 2.x and 3.0 and send out
an email about it?
17:32 < anitagraser> duiv: I'm fine however long it takes
17:32 < duiv> anitagraser: +1 and if you write the email I'm happy to
test code and put it in the cookbo

17:32 < mhugent> +1 for pyqgis cookbook page

17:33 < anitagraser> but mostly the page will be to migrate to 3.0
17:34 < duiv> so for 3.0 all code should be updated in the cookbook,
AND we should have a page where you can look up the most obvious

17:37 < gsherman> +1
17:38 < anitagraser> pcav: ? jef ?
17:38 < mhugent> +1

I'll start the page and write the announcement once we decide that the time
is ripe for 3.0 and API break.

Best wishes,
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