[Qgis-psc] Fwd: Final report for contracted QGIS 2.10 bug fixing

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Jun 29 06:14:29 PDT 2015


Please find attached the bug fixing report from Nyall Dawson. I just 
received his invoice, which I will pay tonight.


-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: Final report for contracted QGIS 2.10 bug fixing
Datum: 2015-06-29 11:53
Von: Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com>
An: Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>, Andreas Neumann 
<Andreas.Neumann at uster.ch>

Hi Andreas,

Here's the final list of bugs I fixed during the 2.10 squash period:

- (unreported) Fix a bug causing raster blocks to be cleared when 
- (unreported) Bump number of decimal places for offset tool spinbox,
otherwise offset tool only allows coarse adjustments in certain CRSs
- (unreported) Fix issue with reshape tool and polygons with rings
- (unreported) Avoid overflowing url drawn over widgets in browser info 
- #12853 (NORMAL) Add confirmation prompt before deleting PostGIS and
Spatialite tables through the browser. Also add confirmation before
dropping connections
- #12025 (NORMAL) Fix missing labels if map rotation is enabled with
OTF reprojection
- #12851 (BLOCKER) Fix broken delete ring tool
- #12827 (BLOCKER) Fix geometry length and area calculation
- #12388 (NORMAL)  Fix missing labels when map is rotated
- (unreported) Fix broken geometry distance & split methods
- #11937 (NORMAL) [labeling] Fix broken repeat distance in map units
- #6883 (NORMAL, but should have been HIGH) Fix broken rendering of
curved labels for scripts which use >1 char graphemes
- #12612 (HIGH) Correctly emit composerRemoved signal after removing
composer from print composers list, fixes composer manager showing
invalid old compositions when loading new project
- (unreported) Don't force size based legend symbols to black colors
- #12614 (NORMAL) Fix zoom tool doesn't work from bottom right to top 
- #12411 (HIGH) Fix server crashes when .qgs file replaced
- #12747 (NORMAL, should have been HIGH) Fix composer map
frame/annotations not showing on OSX
- (unreported) Fix memory leaks in QgsMapCanvasSnapper
- #9081 (NORMAL) [rastercalc] Switch all internal calculations to
doubles for more accurate calculations
- [rastercalc] Add test suite for raster calculator
- [rastercalc] Fix errors with log/log10 calculation and inputs <= 0
- [rastercalc] Fix loss of nodata values in certain circumstances
- #12450 (BLOCKER) [rastercalc] Rework raster calculator to use QGIS
raster classes rather than reading input layers directly through GDAL.
Benefits include more robust handling of nodata/data type conversions,
less code duplication, also being able to take advantage of features
in QGIS raster code like handling gain/offset in rasters.
- #3649 (LOW) [rastercalc]  Add a choice of output projection to the
raster calculator.
Previously the output CRS would be taken from the first raster, with
no guarantees that the output extent matched the output CRS. This
resulted in empty/misplaced rasters.
- #7589 (NORMAL) [rastercalc] Fix handling of unquoted bands > 9
-#11627 (NORMAL) Default to case insensitive for attribute table filter
- #11627 (NORMAL) Filtering in expression widget should be case 
- (unreported) Don't show errors in a dialog for 
- (unreported) Fix crash when loading new project with georeferencer 
- #4602 (NORMAL) Ensure all GCPs are shown in georeferencer report
- #6215 (NORMAL) [georef] Add reset menu action to remove GCP and
close current raster
- #3804 (LOW) [georef] Don't allow overwriting input raster
- (unreported) [georef] Don't crash when loading invalid GCP files
- #7429 (NORMAL) [georef] Show messages when georeferencer creates a 
world file
- #10018 (NORMAL) [georef] fix raster not loaded into main canvas when
creating a world file
- [composer] Change "stroke" to "line" for consistency
- [georef] Show success message in messagebar
- [georef] Make plugin less frustrating to use by adding a message
bar, and converts most message boxes to message bar
messages. Now, most transformation parameters are checked when the
transform is attempted, rather then when the transform properties
dialog is opened. This avoids the frustrating situation where the
transform settings dialog blocks you from selecting transform
parameters before adding GCPs
- #10480 (NORMAL) [georef] Fix coordinates truncated to 2 decimal
places in table
- (unreported) [georef] Fix untranslatable strings
- (unreported) [georef] Fix crash when closing georeferencer window
while editing a GCP list item
- #4311 (NORMAL) [georef] Fix blank PDF for generated PDF map
- (unreported) [georef] Correctly restore paper size when opening
settings dialog
- (unreported) [georef] Save/restore window positions
- [georef] Modernise georeferencer UI
- #12988 (NORMAL) Bump maximum values allowed for symbol offsets
- #12982 (NORMAL) [composer] Add shape items to layout menu
-  #12644 (HIGH) Fix loss of font styles when loading composer projects

Please note that this list only includes fixes addressed during the
QGIS sponsored time, so any fixes for the graduated histogram and
effects weren't included as part of this funded fixing. Same with the
changes I've been making to the test suite and mask images - that's
just part of a personal vendetta to get the test suite 100% green
across all platforms.

I've backported all applicable fixes to 2.8, with the exception of the
georeferencer and raster calculator fixes. I'm going to give them a
couple of weeks to settle in 2.10 for extra testing first.

Happy for you to share this list with the PSC if you think they'd want
to see it! Otherwise, I'll send through the invoice in a separate


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