[Qgis-psc] Draft blog article about enterprises collaborating with QGIS

ElPaso elpaso at itopen.it
Thu Apr 21 02:14:02 PDT 2016

Il 21/04/2016 07:23, Tim Sutton ha scritto:
> Hi all
> Following a suggestion by Richard I have been drafting an article for 
> the QGIS blog about how companies can approach building services 
> around QGIS in a sensitive way. I am inlining my first draft (I 
> haven’t taken an editorial re-read of it yet). Do others agree with 
> the general sentiments laid out here and are you happy for me to post 
> it? Also if you have other good points to raise please let me know.

Thanks Tim for writing this!

I totally agree.

Big +1 from me.

I also agree that this should have the maximum visibility, if possible, 
place it on the website too.

Alessandro Pasotti
w3: www.itopen.it

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