[Qgis-psc] Draft announcement re 3.0
Tim Sutton
tim at kartoza.com
Tue Feb 9 23:39:45 PST 2016
Note that I have posted the article to the blog now, incorporating some of the suggestions from this thread:
> On 10 Feb 2016, at 06:57, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> wrote:
> Hi
>> On 10 Feb 2016, at 01:11, Matthias Kuhn - OPENGIS.ch <http://opengis.ch/> <matthias at opengis.ch <mailto:matthias at opengis.ch>> wrote:
>> Good point
>> But doesn't the same apply to the switch at the end of the 3.0 development in an even worse way because we have the master branch replaced with an unmergeable substitute?
> I don’t think so because by following Jürgen’s proposal the package builders have time to figure out how to build 3.0 packages. When we do the switch at the end they switch out the build process from an old one which they already know how to do to a new one which they already know how to do.
> Regards
> Tim
>> Best
>> Matthias
>> On February 9, 2016 11:20:50 PM GMT+01:00, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com <mailto:tim at kartoza.com>> wrote:
>> Hi
>>> On 10 Feb 2016, at 00:15, Matthias Kuhn - OPENGIS.ch <http://opengis.ch/> <matthias at opengis.ch <mailto:matthias at opengis.ch>> wrote:
>>> Hi PSC,
>>> Thank you very much for taking a decision, that will help very much to get ahead!
>>> Just one question, did you evaluate to switch master with a qgis2 branch and qgis3 with master? So basically the same schema but with renamed branches.
>>> IMHO that would make it clearer that devs are encouraged to work on qgis 3 and we would not have to "replace" a branch but instead just retire the qgis2 branch once the release happened.
>> I think the problem with that is that there are a lot of downstream build activities that would break straight away if we swap branches around, whilst the intent is to keep master in a stable, packageable state while work goes on in the 3.0. branch.
>> Regards
>> Tim
>>> Thanks again and best wishes
>>> Matthias
>>> On February 9, 2016 11:30:28 AM GMT+01:00, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com <mailto:tim at kartoza.com>> wrote:
>>> >Hi
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 2:58 AM, Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com <mailto:larrys at dakotacarto.com>>
>>> >wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Hi Tim, Jürgen and PSC,
>>> >>
>>> >> After reviewing this plan I have to say it is an excellent solution
>>> >to a
>>> >> no-size-fits-all problem. Thank you for all the consideration and
>>> >work you
>>> >> have put into it.
>>> >>
>>> >> I now have a solid (and indeterminate :^) schedule to present to my
>>> >> employer, which will help them plan resources to fund further QGIS
>>> >> development.
>>> >>
>>> >> It will also help with planning on how/when to produce new nightlies
>>> >for
>>> >> Mac.
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >Thanks Larry - I will post my blog post summarising everything tonight
>>> >(including salient bits from the above discussion). Yes its
>>> >interterminate,
>>> >but I think the general aim is still to try to encourage everyone to
>>> >get it
>>> >ready for 1 year from now (as much as we can).
>>> >
>>> >Regards
>>> >
>>> >Tim
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> Regards,
>>> >>
>>> >> Larry Shaffer
>>> >> QGIS Support/Development | Boundless
>>> >>
>>> >> Dakota Cartography
>>> >> Black Hills, South Dakota
>>> >>
>>> >> On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Jürgen E. <jef at norbit.de <mailto:jef at norbit.de>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi Tim,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, 08. Feb 2016 at 14:01:12 +0200, Tim Sutton wrote:
>>> >>> > Thanks Andreas - I’ll just paraphrase the above as another note in
>>> >the
>>> >>> > article - should make things a bit clearer!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Yes. We do 2.16 with PyQt5/Python3 support next to the existing
>>> >>> Qt4/PyQt4/Python2 and the existing and widely unused Qt5 support.
>>> >So we
>>> >>> have
>>> >>> all the smooth, non-breaking steps in master. We'll still release
>>> >using
>>> >>> Qt4/PyQt4/Python2, so that all the plugins keep working. And people
>>> >can
>>> >>> complete stuff that they have already started working on.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 2.16 will be in the regular 4 months schedule.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> After 2.16 we branch off a qgis3 branch that gets the API changes.
>>> >There
>>> >>> we
>>> >>> drop Qt4/PyQt4/Python2 support and switch to Qt5/PyQt5/Python3.
>>> >Because
>>> >>> we
>>> >>> cannot really estimate if that takes 4, 8 or even more months, we'll
>>> >work
>>> >>> on
>>> >>> that on a "release when ready" scheme an see how it goes and set a
>>> >date
>>> >>> when
>>> >>> qgis3 stabilized.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The qgis3 branch will be in development so at first we'll probably
>>> >have
>>> >>> something that doesn't build at all, requires dependencies that are
>>> >not
>>> >>> easy
>>> >>> available or at least not available on all platforms, while we're at
>>> >it.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Because there might be stuff, that can't wait that long, we
>>> >meanwhile keep
>>> >>> master open for new features. The nightlies can keep on going
>>> >without
>>> >>> much
>>> >>> effort and also regular releases could be done if necessary.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> But master should still considered a dead branch as we is relies on
>>> >fading
>>> >>> dependencies and it will be eventually be replaced by the qgis3 (no
>>> >>> merge). So
>>> >>> stuff added to master before will get lost, if it was not also
>>> >merged or
>>> >>> redone
>>> >>> for qgis3. So people should think twice if they consider to do
>>> >anything
>>> >>> in
>>> >>> master while we're at qgis3.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Jürgen
>>> >>>
>>> >>> --
>>> >>> Jürgen E. Fischer norBIT GmbH Tel.
>>> >>> +49-4931-918175-31
>>> >>> Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13 Fax.
>>> >>> +49-4931-918175-50
>>> >>> Software Engineer D-26506 Norden
>>> >>> http://www.norbit.de <http://www.norbit.de/>
>>> >>> QGIS release manager (PSC) Germany IRC: jef on
>>> >>> FreeNode
>>> >>>
>>> >>> _______________________________________________
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>>> >>> Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> >>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc <http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>> >> Qgis-psc mailing list
>>> >> Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> >> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc <http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >--
>>> >------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >Tim Sutton
>>> >Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:
>>> > * Desktop GIS programming services
>>> > * Geospatial web development
>>> >* GIS Training
>>> >* Consulting Services
>>> >Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net <http://freenode.net/>
>>> >Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
>>> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> >_______________________________________________
>>> >Qgis-psc mailing list
>>> >Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> >http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc <http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc>
>>> --
>>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>>> --
>>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>> —
>> <KartozaLogo160x66.png>
>> Tim Sutton
>> Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:
>> * Desktop GIS programming services
>> * Geospatial web development
>> * GIS Training
>> * Consulting Services
>> Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net <http://freenode.net/>
>> Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
>> Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
>> --
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> —
> <KartozaLogo160x66.png>
> Tim Sutton
> Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:
> * Desktop GIS programming services
> * Geospatial web development
> * GIS Training
> * Consulting Services
> Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net <http://freenode.net/>
> Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
> Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
Tim Sutton
Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:
* Desktop GIS programming services
* Geospatial web development
* GIS Training
* Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
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