[Qgis-psc] Which version should be LT?

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 07:36:52 PST 2016

2.16.x can be used as testing board to backport fixes to the 2.14 LTR
Luigi Pirelli

* Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
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On 28 January 2016 at 16:28, Neumann, Andreas <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
> Hi Jürgen,
> On 2016-01-28 16:21, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> On Thu, 28. Jan 2016 at 16:19:10 +0100, Neumann, Andreas wrote:
> Yesterday - at the QGIS-CH user group meeting there was a discussion -
> if we decide to release 2.16 - if we shouldn't make 2.16 the LT release.
> s/shouldn't/should/?
> it's a question of perspective ;-)
> There was consens among the Swiss users, that they would prefer to end the
> 2.x release cycle with a LT release - they don't care so much about the
> yearly cycle for the LT release - in this special case of migrating to 3.0.
> Andreas
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