[Qgis-psc] Another QGIS grants program

Tim Sutton tim at qgis.org
Fri Jan 27 14:29:33 PST 2017


> On 27 Jan 2017, at 10:00 AM, Neumann, Andreas <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to do another round of QGIS grants, rather sooner than later. To best support the remaining necessary QGIS 3 work.
> We have around 50k € in the bank account and sponsoring comes in steadily. There is also a shift - donations are not dominated by private persons anymore, but institutional sponsoring (gov agencies, companies)  is now the majority of the contributions.
> I propose to use another 20k € for the grants program and to do the Call for grant proposal as soon as possible.
> Tim - you did it last time. Do you have the time to organize the grants again? Can we assist you somehow?

Yes +1 from me. I will set it up tomorrow night and we can publish it when everyone on the PSC has voted. I will also send out the AGM minutes this weekend (sorry for the delay on doing that). They were shared in the last PSC minutes.



> Thanks and greetings,
> Andreas
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Chair
tim at qgis.org

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