[Qgis-psc] Next code sprint?

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 01:33:19 PDT 2017

IMHO osgeo sprints should be supported merging hackfests if it is near
in time / space. Osgeo sprint are proven to be effective for
interproject development and coordination
Luigi Pirelli

* Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
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On 28 July 2017 at 10:23, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Il 28/07/2017 10:22, Tim Sutton ha scritto:
>> Hi
>> Paolo I think there was a plan to have the March hackfest in
>> Switzerland? Can someone confirm if that is still on the cards?
> I remember the proposal, sorry if I missed a decision about this.
> a +1 for me, anyway.
> How do we want to deal with Bonn proposal?
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
> https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=IT&q=qgis,arcgis
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