[Qgis-psc] Icon set

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Wed Jun 21 08:26:40 PDT 2017


That was my goal many years ago, with *GIS icons* and people from GRASS 
and QGIS projects.
I plan to continue work in current repo 
(https://github.com/Cracert/GIS-icons), so feel free to open new Issues 


W dniu 21.06.2017 o 16:17, Markus Neteler pisze:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 1:37 AM, Robert Szczepanek <robert at szczepanek.pl> wrote:
>> Hi Paolo and Tim,
>> After longer break I'm ready to help with icons for the new QGIS release.
>> Realistic target to finish this task could be June 2018 (3.2 LTR). For 3.0
>> in October we can fix some critical/selected icons.
> it would be nice to keep icon consistency among the "desktop GIS"
> OSGeo projects as it used to be.
> Do you have any plan in this regard?
> best regards,
> Markus

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