[Qgis-psc] Release schedule

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Tue Jun 27 15:03:14 PDT 2017

Dear PSC,

I'm not sure if you have been following the discussion on github [1]
concerning the release schedule.

In short: I think the current release schedule for 2018 has some room
for improvement.

At the moment, the roadmap shows a 9 months gap between the release of
3.0.0 (Sep 2017) and 3.2.0 (June 2018). I fear that this means that the
general public will not start to test the next LTR before summer 2018.
This in turn leads to a first "stable" patch release in Autumn 2018. So
far, I couldn't find any convincing explanation for this 9 months gap.

My understanding at the meeting to work on the roadmap was that 3.2.0
will be released in February 2018 and then 3.2.4 will be released as
"LTR" in June 2018. This approximately follows the 4 months interval
schedule that we maintained in the 2.x series. Personally I would very
much like to see us follow such a fixed schedule again straight after
the release of 3.0.

If this is done, 2.18 will still experience a year of patches while it's
in "LTR mode" and 1.5 years of patches in total, so this should be fine
as well.

The only drawback of changing this now is that some communication
happened already based on the roadmap on the homepage.

It would be great if the PSC could decide how to proceed with this.
Please let me know

- if there is a good explanation for the current roadmap which I forgot

- if we should stick to the plan because the homepage says so

- if we should schedule another meeting to rediscuss this

Thanks a lot in advance, I'm looking forward to an awesome 3.2 LTR

Best regards


[1] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Website/pull/445

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