[Qgis-psc] Release schedule

Matthias Kuhn 🌍 matthias at opengis.ch
Wed Jun 28 01:02:26 PDT 2017

Hi Richard

On 06/28/2017 09:10 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> On 28-06-17 00:03, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
>> Dear PSC,
>> I'm not sure if you have been following the discussion on github [1]
>> concerning the release schedule.
> Hi Matthias,
> I wasn't following, but tried to read up your links.
> I see your point, but from the info I read now, our Release Manager is
> also OK with sticking to the 4 month release cycle, so there could be a
> NON-LTR-3.2 and then a 3.4-LTR?
Yes, that would also be an option that can be discussed and IMHO
preferable to the current 9 months gap.

What I fear is, that a lot of communication already happened that 3.2
will be the next LTR and it will be harder to communicate this a change.
I also couldn't find any compelling advantage of this approach.

> Does this 'compromise' make everybody happy?
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> ps1 we have a PSC meeting either this monday or next one, I'll make sure
> it is on the agenda

Thanks, that would be nice

> ps2 did we not do the larger time schedule to be able to do more
> testing/bugfixing?

I don't find any reference to this consideration (and I'm also not aware
that this has ever been an argument).
On the other hand I think we wanted to have more time in feature freeze
for the ramp up of QGIS 3 which at the moment is just a tiny bit more
than the usual 1 month (18.8. - 29.9.), that's possibly another point to


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