[Qgis-psc] Funding QGIS Server enhancement - remove old QgsWXSProjectParser

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri May 19 06:17:03 PDT 2017

Il 19/05/2017 13:18, Neumann, Andreas ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I would like to get the QGIS server improvement (QGIS grant proposal
> from 3Liz "remove old QgsWXSProjectParser") into QGIS core prior to the
> release of QGIS 3.
> I first thought that my employer could pay that, but unfortunately, at
> the current time, they would only fund new features that we need - no
> under-the-hood cleanup work. The project costs 3k €, according to an
> offer from 3Liz.
> My proposal would be that I personally would pay half of that amount
> (paid from the QGIS courses I do besides my main work) and I would like
> to ask if QGIS.ORG could pay the second half (1.5k). Or do you know
> another organization who could pay for it?
> Given that most of our HF expenses from Essen are funded by FOSSGIS e.V.
> Germany and the German QGIS user group, we could use this HF money
> instead to fund the remaining 1.5k for the QGIS server modernization. I
> budgeted 8k for the Essen HF, but so far we only spent around 1k.
> It would be an important work for modernizing QGIS Server.

Thanks a lot Andreas for your very generous offer.
I agree this is an important task, that should by all means go to Q3.
I'd prefer however, before funding it as PSC, to try to use your amount
as seed money for another crowdfunding. This not much to save some money
from our budget (I agree we have it), but to promote direct involvement
from our users. The successful campaigns we have seen are a good example
in this direction. We could set up a time limit for this, and fund what
is left.
If for any reason this is not feasible or practical, then it's a +1 for
your proposal.
All the best, and tahnks again.

Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html

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